Development in design has came such a long way, from drawing on stones to having the entire worlds knowledge in a single mobile phone in our pockets. Technology keeps developing and surprising us even till today.

Even professional games today, need motion tracking controllers to collect a percise human movement data to later, go on a computer and use this data to create characters or movements in the online / gaming world.

Motion trackers are already able to be sold to the public and be used by the users, controllers such as hand tracking controllers, this device captures the movement without the need of being wired around on onto a person, instead it has a scanner with scans the users movement when set up appropriately

These are the things you cannot do, as this affects the overall collecting of data.

Till today, many devices such as VR (Virtual Reality Headsets) are still being upgraded and developed to reach it max potential. Where willl our technology be in the next 5 years? Next 10?

Tracking | Leap Motion Controller | Ultraleap